Dental CT Scanning
Dental CT Scanning at City-Dent Wrocław
To provide our patients with the most precise diagnostics, minimize time, and ensure a comprehensive approach, our clinic is equipped with the state-of-the-art CBCT scanner, Vatech Pax-i 3D Smart Plus. This advanced technology allows us to perform CT scans and panoramic X-rays conveniently, quickly, and in-house, offering a wide range of diagnostic programs tailored to the individual needs of our patients.
Advanced Imaging for Accurate Diagnostics
The elliptical shape of the imaging field provides a unique anatomical view, capturing a broader dental arch, including the most distant and hidden teeth, without the risk of distortion or image cutoff. This elliptical field is also ideal for superior maxillary sinus diagnostics. We frequently perform CT scans of the maxillary sinuses for ENT consultations.
Our system is the only one on the market that simultaneously performs two examinations in a single scan: a 3D anatomical scan and a 2D panoramic image. This is achieved with an extremely low radiation dose, eliminating the need for double exposure
Spread the cost!
We cooperate with Mediraty. With us, you can perform aesthetic and medical treatments without cash. You will pay the cost later, in full or divided into smaller parts. More information at the reception.
Why Choose CBCT Scanning?
A traditional 2D panoramic X-ray does not always reveal inflammatory conditions at the tips of tooth roots. It can also be challenging to accurately assess the success of previous root canal treatments. Correct evaluation of the clinical situation is critical for eliminating inflammation in the oral cavity, which is essential for general health and the stability of often costly prosthetic work placed on diagnosed teeth.
To eliminate the risk of overlooking the need for root canal treatment or retreatment, at City-Dent Wrocław, we perform non-invasive, high-resolution CBCT scans. The clarity and precision of this examination ensure that no diagnostic errors occur, giving our patients complete confidence in their treatment plan.
Additional Services
We also welcome referrals from other dental clinics!
Experience advanced diagnostics with us at City-Dent Wrocław and ensure the highest level of accuracy for your dental health needs.